We are baring all when it comes to this write up about why we re-branded and what it means for us. Telling our tale is important; we feel that as we evolve, it isn’t without A LOT of learnings... and if there are no take outs from it, then can it really be called GROWTH.
We have been in business with Desert Rose Studio for three years now and from the time we started to where we are now, we have grown, shuffled, uncomfortably sat with losing clients, gaining bigger clients, being structurally sound and then some days not so much, and all of the fun stuff that comes with running your own business. We still thank our lucky stars daily that we both get to do what we love and have the flexibility that comes with it.
But truth be told, it was time to practise what we preach and spend some big moments marketing our own business. When you get busy there is always something that slips and for us, ironically, it was our own marketing for our own brand Desert Rose Studio. Spending endless hours helping to market other peoples brands, we took a moment of pause and thought, what the heck are we doing. We need to invest some time and energy into DRS all the whilst managing our clients that we love.

We were over the look and feel of Desert Rose Studio’s branding and after three years it felt outdated. We also wanted to open up space to attract new clients that are the perfect fit with our style and flare. To draw in the vibe that we love, to attract more eco and sustainable brands that we adore.
So here we are, and geez we are excited about it, six months ago we said we wanted to re-brand and it has taken us this length of time to get here... The juggle is real. But hey, that’s also what makes us super dooper understanding to all other business owners that approach us and are struggling with the balance to do it all. We are very empathetic, because WE GET IT.
Our new branding exudes luxury, minimalistic, classy, elegance with an earthy and natural tone. We are taking steps forward to partner and glow with other like-minded eco and sustainable brands that we crush on. So watch this space as we dive deeper into our podcasts, journal features and we say in a whisper... a new online course (eeek), and in another whisper some potential eco and sustainable influencer management.
It feels like our little baby business is being born again, into something fresher and more suited to us. It’s like we are putting on a new pair of jeans that compliment our body better than any other pair worn before.
We want to hear from you... What do you think of our fresh new look? Do you want to be featured in a journal or podcast? Do you want your very own rebrand project done? Is your marketing getting sluggish and you need our help? Are you a luxury eco brand and needs fresh content?
Get in touch,
We hope you love our new movements forward With love,
Ez and B
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