Having balance in our lives is super important, we do get asked a lot at Desert Rose Studio how we find balance, especially running our own business. Maybe it is our collection of crystals and essential oils that zen us out. We have simplified here for you our top 5 tips on how to bring balance back into your life:

1. Ensure you take time out for yourself
Super challenging when you have kids (trust me, I know having two kids myself), a philosophy that I stand by daily is that I can’t be there for everyone else properly if I am not there for myself. So, I take time to fit a run in (because that’s what I love). Find half an hour for you in the day otherwise you start to feel like your losing your mind. A great motivator Gary Vay-Ner-Chuk (you can find him on Instagram as @garyvee) said the most common thing he hears is “I don’t have time”, but when you look at your full day even if you have 8 hours of sleep and 8 hours of work, you still have another 8 hours surrounding that time – what are you doing in that time? Is it productive? Do you fit half an hour in for you?
2. Plan
Feeling organised can clear your head of so much turmoil, if you have your groceries done, meals planned, clothes sorted, the week ahead mapped out, you will start Monday feeling on top of the world. Being on the back foot is not a good feeling and you quickly spiral into an unbalanced feeling.
3. Have nice things around you in the workspace
Sounds silly but this can make a huge difference to how you set your intentions for the day in the workspace. We love getting the diffuser on with essential oils that bring clarity and calm, we love Young Living Essentail Oils. Surround yourself with beautiful crystals that can work off the negative ions from all technology. We recommend reading: The Crystal Fix by Juliette Thornbury. Page 46 is all about the office space and combating electronic pollution. She also lists the key stones for the office.
4. Talk it out
Set yourself some quality time with friends and family and ensure you have healthy workplace relationships (if you don’t, look at ways to work on your relationships in the workspace). Sometimes there is nothing quite like a cocktail on a Friday evening with friends to finish off the working week.
5. Get a good night sleep
Trouble sleeping is continuously on the rise, predominately due to life stresses. I can highly recommend putting some sleep hypnosis on your phone to help you drift off to a peaceful sleep. Also, ensure you are winding down properly. I do love a glass of red wine to calm the energy down for the evening. Another tool is speaking with a natural health practitioner; we love naturopaths, to get some herbal remedies made up for sleep assistance.
At the end of the day it is about finding what works for you, and if you aren’t feeling the balance there is no time like the present to reassess where you are at and ways that you can improve on your lifestyle.
We are all deserving of balance and happiness in life.
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